Korean Kimchi maker will file a group lawsuit.
I wrote "Kimchi Panic" in this blog. Please see the article before read this article.
This article is summary of http://japanese.yna.co.kr/service/article_view.asp?News_id=022005120104400(written in Japanese)
I summarize and translate it to English.
I can not understand their idea. It seems that Kimchi maker transfer to responsiblity to their government.
I thinkwhat Korean kimch makers need is inprovement for Kimchi's sanitary condition, not lawsuit.
---original text---
Quote from
http://japanese.yna.co.kr/service/article_view.asp?News_id=022005120104400(written in Japanese)
Yhonhanp news is Korean news site.
This article is summary of http://japanese.yna.co.kr/service/article_view.asp?News_id=022005120104400(written in Japanese)
I summarize and translate it to English.
(From Seoul)
Kimchi Makers are devastated because the Korean goverment make a annoucement which parasitic insect are found in Korean Kimchi.
The head of Korean Foresty Export Assosiation announced following comment.
Korean kimchi which export to Japan decreace to 50%. Because the governmnet annouce parasitic worm thoughtlessly.
Kimchi export makers will sue the Korean government if the government make reparation for decrease of Kimchi's export
I can not understand their idea. It seems that Kimchi maker transfer to responsiblity to their government.
I thinkwhat Korean kimch makers need is inprovement for Kimchi's sanitary condition, not lawsuit.
---original text---
Quote from
http://japanese.yna.co.kr/service/article_view.asp?News_id=022005120104400(written in Japanese)
Yhonhanp news is Korean news site.
【ソウル1日聯合】キムチから寄生虫の卵が発見されたと政府が発表したことで大打撃を受けた、韓国農林食品輸出組合所属のキムチ輸出企業18社が、政府を相手取り来週中に訴訟を起こす考えを明らかにした。韓国農林食品輸出組合のコ・ジェガプ専務は「現在、企業別に被害金額と状況を集計している。訴訟額は40億ウォ ン前後と見込んでいる」と話した。企業関係者は「日本に輸出している韓国キムチの販売量が発表前と比べて50%以上も激減し、ほとんどの企業は工場の稼働 率が20~30%に落ち込んだ」と述べた。さらに、「寄生虫の卵の検査結果を発表する際には、法的根拠と人体への有害性を明確に提示しなければならないに もかかわらず、政府は漠然とした憶測だけで発表し、国民をはじめ海外の消費者らにまで不安感を与えた」と指摘した。
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