Kimchi Panic
This article is summary of following pages.
First, Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) found parasites in Chinese-made kimchi. KFDA said Krean Kimchi is safe.
China countered that Kimchi made in South-Korea also include live parasitic worm's eggs and it is true.
Korean-made kimchi also shipped to Japan. says "Japan Finds no Harmful Parasites in Korean Kimchi" (See
No way!!!
I read "two eggs are found in imported Kimchi from Korea(written in Japanese)" in Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper(Japan).
(This article is written in Japanse) version) includes this article. But, version) dosen't includ this article. I will try to tranlate it.
Why doesn't transtrate it to English?
----Begin transration--
Kimchi maker angry at spot check for kimchi even KFDA doesn't have standard of parasite eggs.
Korean has a HACCP(Hazard Analisis Critical Point). This is a food sanitation system. Kimchi makers in Kerea is over 700 but only two makers pass it but most of kimchi makers are micro maker. So, anyone can make kimchi and sell it.
The sanitary supervision basis and item for checking are sloppy. The check is 74 kinds of pesicide residue for nappa cabbabe. There is no food sanitation and low specialized to kimchi. Kimchi accede to generid food sanitation low. Half of Makers are micro maker. Items for check are only three. Form, antiseptic and dye. There is no check for heavy metal like iquid siler and cadmium. This is the first time check for parasitic eggs. The Farm families complain that spot check about parasitic warm's eggs is unfair because there is no low about nappa cabbage.
So, Farm families complain to KFDA and Foresty and Agriculture Agency. The farm families appeals that if Foresty and Agricultre Agency check nappa callage, kimchi wouldn't include parasitic warm's eggs.
KFDA doesn't have basis for items for check but they begin to check Korean kimchi because Chinese kimchi have eggs and lead. People of Kimchi maker says "There is no checking item and basis for parasitic warm's eggs. And the Korean Goverment do spot check for Korean kimchi on the sudden, and bring micro maker to crisis.
People of a Kimchi maker in Kyongi pref says "We make kimchi which live up to quality inpection basis by food prodessing manual. KFDA annouce it suddlenly without preparation period and measures for parasitic warm's eggs.
KFDA's annoucement make many micro kimchi maker to go bunkrupt." And also he says "KFDA have never checked parasitic warm's eggs until now. None the less, they assume eggs as hamful object suddenly and give administrative diposition to micro maker. We will bring suits againt the govermant."
---END of transration--------------
Korean Kimchi maker have never checked pasitic warm's eggs because there is no low??????
Kimchi maker will bring suits againt the goverment because they do spot check for eggs in kimchi????
Why Chosun daily news paper( doesn't write this issue in English?
---original text of
キ ムチに対する衛生管理基準や点検基準もずさんな内容だ。白菜は残留農薬74種に対してのみ、検査が行なわれている。キムチは性状(姿)と保存料(防腐 剤)、色素のわずか3項目だけを検査する。水銀やカドミウムといった重金属検査は行なわれたことがない。寄生虫卵の検査も今回が初めてだった。
そ のため各キムチメーカーは、農林部と食品医薬品安全庁を非難している。農林部が農家の白菜の管理をきちんと行なったら、キムチ工場に寄生虫の卵が混入 した白菜が持ち込まれるはずがないと主張している。白菜の不適合判定基準にもない寄生虫の卵を今回にいきなり検査してキムチに対する不信を助長したと抗議 している。
これまで食品医薬品安全庁も、検査項目について手付かずの状態だったが、先月から中国産キムチから鉛と寄生虫の卵が検出された 事件をきっかけに、国産キ ムチに対しても調査を始めたという。キムチ工場の関係者は、「寄生虫の卵は、これまで検査項目でもなかった上、基準もなかった」とし、「政府は中国産キム チの波紋が浮上したことでいきなり国産キムチを調査して、業者をがけっぷちに追いこんだ」と主張した。
京 畿(キョンギ)道の あるキムチ工場の関係者も、「食品加工マニュアルによる品質検査基準に則ってキムチを作ったが、いきなり基準にもない寄生虫の卵を準備期間や対策づくりも せず調査してマスコミに発表した」とし、「今回の食品医薬品安全庁の発表を受け、閉鎖を余儀なくされる中小メーカーは多いだろう」と述べた。 <br> <br> さらに「食品医薬品安全庁が寄生虫の卵を一度も調査したことがないのに、いきなり危害物質と解釈し業者を行政処罰しようとしている」とし、「行政訴訟を起して対処する」と憤った。
-------Yomiuri shimbun----------------
First, Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) found parasites in Chinese-made kimchi. KFDA said Krean Kimchi is safe.
China countered that Kimchi made in South-Korea also include live parasitic worm's eggs and it is true.
Korean-made kimchi also shipped to Japan. says "Japan Finds no Harmful Parasites in Korean Kimchi" (See
No way!!!
I read "two eggs are found in imported Kimchi from Korea(written in Japanese)" in Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper(Japan).
(This article is written in Japanse) version) includes this article. But, version) dosen't includ this article. I will try to tranlate it.
Why doesn't transtrate it to English?
----Begin transration--
Kimchi maker angry at spot check for kimchi even KFDA doesn't have standard of parasite eggs.
Korean has a HACCP(Hazard Analisis Critical Point). This is a food sanitation system. Kimchi makers in Kerea is over 700 but only two makers pass it but most of kimchi makers are micro maker. So, anyone can make kimchi and sell it.
The sanitary supervision basis and item for checking are sloppy. The check is 74 kinds of pesicide residue for nappa cabbabe. There is no food sanitation and low specialized to kimchi. Kimchi accede to generid food sanitation low. Half of Makers are micro maker. Items for check are only three. Form, antiseptic and dye. There is no check for heavy metal like iquid siler and cadmium. This is the first time check for parasitic eggs. The Farm families complain that spot check about parasitic warm's eggs is unfair because there is no low about nappa cabbage.
So, Farm families complain to KFDA and Foresty and Agriculture Agency. The farm families appeals that if Foresty and Agricultre Agency check nappa callage, kimchi wouldn't include parasitic warm's eggs.
KFDA doesn't have basis for items for check but they begin to check Korean kimchi because Chinese kimchi have eggs and lead. People of Kimchi maker says "There is no checking item and basis for parasitic warm's eggs. And the Korean Goverment do spot check for Korean kimchi on the sudden, and bring micro maker to crisis.
People of a Kimchi maker in Kyongi pref says "We make kimchi which live up to quality inpection basis by food prodessing manual. KFDA annouce it suddlenly without preparation period and measures for parasitic warm's eggs.
KFDA's annoucement make many micro kimchi maker to go bunkrupt." And also he says "KFDA have never checked parasitic warm's eggs until now. None the less, they assume eggs as hamful object suddenly and give administrative diposition to micro maker. We will bring suits againt the govermant."
---END of transration--------------
Korean Kimchi maker have never checked pasitic warm's eggs because there is no low??????
Kimchi maker will bring suits againt the goverment because they do spot check for eggs in kimchi????
Why Chosun daily news paper( doesn't write this issue in English?
---original text of
キ ムチに対する衛生管理基準や点検基準もずさんな内容だ。白菜は残留農薬74種に対してのみ、検査が行なわれている。キムチは性状(姿)と保存料(防腐 剤)、色素のわずか3項目だけを検査する。水銀やカドミウムといった重金属検査は行なわれたことがない。寄生虫卵の検査も今回が初めてだった。
そ のため各キムチメーカーは、農林部と食品医薬品安全庁を非難している。農林部が農家の白菜の管理をきちんと行なったら、キムチ工場に寄生虫の卵が混入 した白菜が持ち込まれるはずがないと主張している。白菜の不適合判定基準にもない寄生虫の卵を今回にいきなり検査してキムチに対する不信を助長したと抗議 している。
これまで食品医薬品安全庁も、検査項目について手付かずの状態だったが、先月から中国産キムチから鉛と寄生虫の卵が検出された 事件をきっかけに、国産キ ムチに対しても調査を始めたという。キムチ工場の関係者は、「寄生虫の卵は、これまで検査項目でもなかった上、基準もなかった」とし、「政府は中国産キム チの波紋が浮上したことでいきなり国産キムチを調査して、業者をがけっぷちに追いこんだ」と主張した。
京 畿(キョンギ)道の あるキムチ工場の関係者も、「食品加工マニュアルによる品質検査基準に則ってキムチを作ったが、いきなり基準にもない寄生虫の卵を準備期間や対策づくりも せず調査してマスコミに発表した」とし、「今回の食品医薬品安全庁の発表を受け、閉鎖を余儀なくされる中小メーカーは多いだろう」と述べた。 <br> <br> さらに「食品医薬品安全庁が寄生虫の卵を一度も調査したことがないのに、いきなり危害物質と解釈し業者を行政処罰しようとしている」とし、「行政訴訟を起して対処する」と憤った。
-------Yomiuri shimbun----------------
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