Topics in East Asia

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My prediction is done(LOVE Hotel in Pusan on APEC 21)

This article is summary of following article. Yahoo)(written in Chinese)

Pusan which APEC 21 is hold in become candidate for 2002 Olympic summer game.
But, Korea should provide more hotel in Pusan before it the olympic game is held.

Executive branch announced the hotel who mass media people stay in is four star class. But, later it will be two star class.

The local mass media in Pusan report the shortage of hotels. Four and Five star hotel is assigned to contingent of foreign goverment people.
Finally, mass media people have to stay in LOVE HOTEL which Korean goverment charters in Pusan.
The love hotel which decorate with out-of-style grody accesary is far from Taiwan's prosperous six star high-way hotel.

But, APEC press center is more comfortable than the love hotel, so keeping still in the press center is better than staying in love hotel.

My Prediction(See My former aticle) is done.

----original text---
台灣記者 被排進色情賓館 寄給朋友   友善列印

【聯合新聞網 特派記者孫中英/南韓釜山報導】



行 政院新聞局在出國前,曾告知媒體,下榻地點由南韓安排,可能住四星級的觀光飯店。後來新聞局在行前發現,媒體住的酒店可能只有「兩顆星」;到了釜山才確 定,四顆星、二顆星統統不見,媒體團下榻的是釜山市觀光區的「性愛旅館」,除了招攬性交易生意,還附設「制服店」。旅館內老舊和簡陋的陳設,也遠不如台灣 正興起的六星級汽車旅館。




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