Topics in East Asia

Monday, January 09, 2006

China required press restrictions for China negative reports of Japanese govermnet.

China required press restrictions for China negative reports of Japanese govermnet. He said there were many negative reports of China in Japan and The Japanese government should regulate reports of Chinese negative side.

China always limit a fress press. So, Chinese foreign minister thinks Japan can do press restriction.

Japan is not communized country.

日本に報道規制を要求 中国「対中批判多すぎ」





(01/09 21:05)


  • At 04 May, 2010 17:29, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I noticed that many of the links you provided and referenced are dead links. This makes me question the validity of your information in your posts.

    Also, your blog is titled "Topics in East Asia", but after perusing it, it appears to be "biased Japanese nationalist propaganda". There is not a single post where you make an honest criticism about your country, Japan. I'm sure Japan, like any other country, has faults as well as many positive aspects.


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